Senate committee substitute makes the following changes to the 1st edition.
Further amends GS 94-2, pertaining to the Apprenticeship Council, providing that the terms of office of the members of the Council are to be designated by the State Board of Community Colleges (the previous edition provided that the terms of members first appointed by the State Board expire as designated by the State Board at the time of making the appointment). Also removes language specifying membership of the Council (the previous edition changed the membership to consist of three representatives each of employers and employees, and two members of the public at large). Requires the Apprenticeship Council to establish standards for apprentice agreements (previously, subject to the approval of the State Board) which cannot be lower than those prescribed by GS Chapter 94, and to recommend rules and regulations (currently, must issue rules and regulations) necessary to carry out the intent and purposes of the Chapter.
Removes the proposed language in GS 94-3, requiring the Director of ApprenticeshipNC to report to the Vice President of Economic Development and the Vice President of Academic Programs and Student Services within the Community Colleges System Office.
Further amends GS 94-4, authorizing the Director of ApprenticeshipNC to administer the provisions of the Chapter under the supervision of the President of the NC Community College System or the President's designee (previously, under the supervision of the Vice President of Economic Development) and with the advice and guidance of the Apprenticeship Council.
Bill Summaries: S 597 APPRENTICESHIPNC.
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Bill S 597 (2017-2018)Summary date: Apr 19 2017 - View Summary
Bill S 597 (2017-2018)Summary date: Apr 4 2017 - View Summary
Transfers the Apprenticeship Program and the Apprenticeship Council to the North Carolina Community Colleges System Office as a Type I transfer under GS 143A-6. Authorizes the State Board of Community Colleges, the Community Colleges System Office, and the Office of State Budget and Management to take all necessary steps to make this transfer.
Enacts new GS 115D-5.3 (ApprenticeshipNC Program; Apprenticeship Council; transfer). Makes the above transfer.
Amends GS Chapter 94 as follows.
Amends the caption to read "ApprenticeshipNC." Amends the purposes described in GS 94-1.
Directs the State Board of Community Colleges (currently the Secretary of Commerce) to appoint the Apprenticeship Council. Transfers appointment of one ex officio member from the Department of Community Colleges to the Department of Commerce. Transfers actions and responsibilities currently assigned to the Department of Commerce, or its Secretary, to the State Board of Community Colleges. Revises membership on the council to consist of three representatives each of employers and employees, and two members of the public at large. Does not affect the terms of members of the Apprenticeship Council as of the effective date of this act. Directs the Apprenticeship Council to file its required annual report to the Community Colleges System Office.
Provides that the Director of ApprenticeshipNC reports to the Vice President of Economic Development and the Vice President of Academic Programs and Student Services within the Community Colleges System Office. Subjects appointment and employment of clerical, technical, and professional help to the recommendation and supervision of the Director.
Subjects the Director to the supervision of the Vice President of Economic Development within the Community Colleges System Office (currently, the Secretary of Commerce).
Makes technical and conforming changes to GS Chapter 94.
Transfers $350,000, of the Workforce Investment Act funds awarded to the Department of Commerce by the United States Department of Labor to the Community Colleges System Office, on a recurring basis for the 2017-19 fiscal biennium, to administer ApprenticeshipNC.
Appropriates $500,000 in recurring funds for 2017-18 from the General Fund to the Community Colleges System Office to increase apprenticeship opportunities in the State.
Directs the Department of Commerce to submit a Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act State Plan amendment to the US Department of Labor to reflect the changes above, effective when the bill becomes law.
Except as otherwise provided, effective July 1, 2017.