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  • Summary date: Mar 22 2017 - View Summary

    Identical to H 367, filed 3/16/17.

    Appropriates $7.5 million each for 2017-18 and 2018-19 from the General Fund to the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Rural Health (Office), for the Community Health Centers Grant Program to award grants on a competitive basis to listed health organizations with a focus on providing healthcare services to low-income and vulnerable populations, as specified. Limits the Office to $300,000 of the appropriated funds for 2017-18 for administration of the Community Health Centers Grant Program. Directs the Office to work with specified healthcare associations to establish a Primary Care Advisory Committee to develop a process for grading grant applications and making recommendations to the Office for the reward of grants. Directs the Office to make the final decision about rewarding grants, but provides that no single grant may exceed $150,000 for a fiscal year. Directs the Office to give preference to applicants located in areas with the highest incidences of poverty, or that serve the highest percentage of indigent clients. Prohibits grant recipients from using grant funds to enhance compensation for persons receiving funds for program administration, to supplant existing funds, or to finance or satisfy any existing debt. Directs the Office to develop a reporting method for grantees, and directs grantees to report annually on specified information regarding the success of the Community Health Centers Grant Program.

    Effective July 1, 2017.