House amendment #1 makes the following changes to the 1st edition.
Makes conforming changes to GS 115D-5(b)(12), permitting the State Board of Community Colleges to provide for waiver of tuition and registration fees for all courses (currently, all curriculum courses) taken by high school students at community colleges, in accordance with GS 115D-20(4). Makes conforming changes to GS 115D-20(4)a.2, permitting local community colleges to collaborate with local administrative units to offer academic transition pathways for qualified junior and senior high school students that lead to a career technical education certificate, diploma, or State industry-recognized credential (currently, certificate or diploma). These provisions apply beginning with the 2017-18 school year.
Bill Summaries: H 450 FUTURE READY STUDENT ACT OF 2017.
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Bill H 450 (2017-2018)Summary date: Apr 6 2017 - View Summary
Bill H 450 (2017-2018)Summary date: Mar 22 2017 - View Summary
Throughout the act, references to "vocational education" in GS Chapter 115C are replaced with references to "career education."
Directs local boards of education to offer at least two work-based learning opportunities related to career and technical education instruction in the local school administrative unit, and to create waiver forms for the protection of students and businesses.
Amends GS 115C, Article 10. Revises the title of the article to read "Career and Technical Education."
Makes career and technical education programs apply to grades five through 12 (was, six through 12), and to direct that a career awareness program offered to elementary school students must encourage exploration of career pathways and prepare students for middle school career planning. Revises the definition ofoccupational skill developmentto refer to abilities instead of knowledges.
Changes the name of the State Board of Vocational and Technical Education to the State Board of Career and Technical Education.
Eliminates the requirement for the State Board of Education's Master Plan for Career and Technical Education that parents of students be utilized in developing decisions affecting career and technical education programs and services.
Adds the condition that local boards of education establish a business advisory council under new GS 115C-170 and submit information regarding ongoing consultation with the council as part of the career and technical education local planning system to the list of conditions that must be met before the State Board of Education may approve a local board of education's career and technical education plan.
Clarifies that the State Board of Education must approve the industry certifications that students are supported in earning, and directs local school administrative units to consult business advisory councils, in addition to the already-listed parties, in identifying the industry certifications and credentials that the local school administrative units may offer to meet workforce needs. Directs the State Board of Education to report to the Joint Legislative Education Oversight Committee by November 15 (currently September 15) of each year on the number of students in career and technical education courses.
Amends GS 115C-157 to direct local school administrative units to offer at least two work-based learning opportunities related to career and technical education instruction. Encourages local boards of education to implement career awareness programs for students in grade five to encourage awareness of career and technical education programs available. Directs local boards of education that adopt career awareness programs to report on the program to the State Board of Education by October 1 of each year, and directs the State Board to submit a consolidated report to the Joint Legislative Education Oversight Committee on program outcomes and legislative recommendations by November 15 of each year.
Requires in GS 115C-163 agreements for land for agricultural instruction to be examined by the local board of education's attorney (currently, the school attorney). Further authorizes land laboratories to be managed with the advice of a specialized subcommittee of a business advisory council.
Amends GS 115C-165 to direct local boards of education to appoint workforce production advisory committees, and authorizes those committees to be established as specialized subcommittees of the business advisory councils.
Enacts new GS 115C-170 (Business advisory councils established; members; selection; duties) in new Part 4, Business Advisory Councils. Creates business advisory councils of at least nine members to advise local boards of education in the performance of their duties to provide career and technical education. Provides for the membership of the councils, including community, business, and industry representatives, and four specified education representatives serving ex officio. Directs local boards of education to appoint business, industry, and community representatives to the council for terms beginning January 1, 2018. Provides for a staggered appointment schedule, with all terms after the initial term being four years, and being appointed by the business advisory council. Provides for the governance, meeting space, administrative staff, and expenses of the council, and that the council is subject to the Public Records Act and the Open Meetings Law.
Amends GS 115C-174.25 to direct the State Board of Education to require local school administrative units to make WorkKeys tests available to students who complete a concentration in career and technical education courses (currently, the second level of vocational/career courses).
Amends GS 115C-64.15 to direct the North Carolina Education and Workforce Innovation Commission (Commission), the State Board of Education, and the Superintendent of Public Instruction to develop and administer the Career and Technical Education Grade Expansion Program (Program), established under new GS 115C-64.17. Enacts new GS 115C-64.17, (The Career and Technical Education Grade Expansion Program (Program). Establishes the Program to prioritize the inclusion of students in sixth and seventh grades in career and technical education programs. Provides for competitive grants, totaling up to $5 million, to local administrative units over a seven-year grant period, to be used for employing additional licensed personnel in career and technical education areas as specified. Provides requirements for grant applications, and directs the Commission to accept grant applications until November 1 of each fiscal year. Directs the Commission to recommend recipients to the State Board of Education, and directs the State Board of Education and the Superintendent of Public Instruction to approve the recipients. Requires grant recipients to report specified information annually for up to seven years after the grant award, on the use of grant funds to the Department of Public Instruction, Local Planning Systems Regional Services staff within the Division of Career and Technical Education, no later than August 1 of each year after the initial grant award. Directs the Superintendent of Public Instruction to report to the Commission by October 15 of each year how the grant recipients compare to career and technical education programs statewide and whether the programs are aligned with the State Board of Education's Master Plan for Career and Technical Education. Establishes a reserve in the General Fund, called the Career and Technical Education Grade Expansion Reserve, consisting of funds appropriated for the Program. Directs funds to be transferred from the reserve to the Commission each fiscal year for allocation of funds to grant recipients. Unexpended funds by grant recipients revert to the Reserve at the end of each seven-year grant period. All funds in the reserve after all grant recipients have received the total amount of awards under the Program revert to the General Fund. Effective only if funds are appropriated in a current Operations Appropriations Act for 2017-18 to implement these provisions.
Encourages local school administrative units to complete an application for the NCWorks Work Ready Certified Communities initiative in cooperation with specified types of entities.
Authorizes the Department of Public Instruction, Division of Career and Technical Education, to create two full-time positions dedicated to assisting local school administrative units comply with the changes described above, effective July 1, 2017.
Makes technical and conforming changes.
Except as otherwise provided, the act is effective when it becomes law, and applies beginning with the 2017-18 school year.