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  • Summary date: Mar 22 2017 - View Summary

    Amends GS 116-143.11 (NC Promise Tuition Plan; State "buy down" of certain financial obligations) to direct the UNC Board of Governors (Board) to monitor the implementation and operation of the NC Promise Tuition Plan at Elizabeth City State University, the University of North Carolina at Pembroke, and Western Carolina University. Directs the Board to take appropriate action to enable each of these universities to meet their financial obligations should they incur unsustainable losses. Authorizes the Board to increase the amount of student payments at these universities if the solvency of the universities is jeopardized. Prohibits these universities from collecting total receipts from student payments in excess of the difference between the state funds provided to "buy down" the tuition and the rate of tuition as established by the Board of Governors and the Board of Trustees.

    Directs the Board to now consult with the Board of Trustees in setting the tuition rate at these universities as provided in GS 116-143 and GS 116-11(7) (previously, was set the tuition rate notwithstanding those statutes). Requires State funds to be used, beginning with 2018, to buy down the rate of tuition at the rate of $500 per semester for state residents and $2,500 per semester for nonresidents. Clarifies that the Director of the Budget shall determine the amount required for these universities to offset the forgone tuition as a result of the student payments based on information provided by the Board of Governors and the Chancellors of these universities.

    Makes technical changes.