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  • Summary date: Mar 8 2017 - View Summary

    Amends GS 58­84­40 to direct the North Carolina State Firefighters' Association to certify to the Department of Insurance a list of current members of the local board of trustees appointed pursuant to GS 58­84­30, including the chairman and treasurer of the board, in addition to the information already required.

    Amends GS 58­84­41 to require the inclusion of certifications filed under GS 58­84­46 in the already­established database maintained by the North Carolina State Firefighters' Association and the Commissioner of Insurance.

    Amends GS 58­84­46 to require the fire chief of each city or county that has a local board of trustees under GS 58­84­30 to file the required certificate of eligibility with the North Carolina State Firefighters' Association (currently authorizes, in addition to the fire chief, the clerk or finance officer of each city or county that has a local board of trustees under GS 58­84­30, and requires the certificate to be filed with the Commissioner). Makes a conforming change. Directs that failure to file the certificate results in the local Firefighters' Relief Fund for that fire department forfeiting the payment next due to its board of trustees, and directs the Association to inform the Commissioner of the local Firefighters' Relief Funds that have not filed the certificate required.

    Effective July 1, 2017.