Identical to S 430 filed on 3/26/13.
Amends GS 87-43.1, providing a new exception to the provisions of Article 4 of GS Chapter 87 (Electrical Contractors). The provisions of this article do not apply to specified work done by a public utility, electric membership corporation, municipal electric service provider, or business contracted by such entities, as long as the work is subject to oversight from a licensed electrical contractor.
Amends 153A-357(a) and GS 160A-417(a), both sections dealing with the planning and regulation of development for cities/towns and counties, providing that a permit is not required for the installation, maintenance, or replacement of any modification, device, or equipment by a public utility, electric membership, or municipal electric service provider as long as the work is subject to oversight by a licensed electrical contractor. However, the public utility, electric membership corporation, or municipal electric service provider must provide service in accordance with an activity or program approved by the NC Utilities Commission or a similar program undertaken by a municipal electric service provider. This exemption applies to all existing installations.
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Bill H 489 (2013-2014)Summary date: Apr 1 2013 - View Summary