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  • Summary date: Mar 30 2017 - View Summary

    Senate committee substitute makes the following changes to the 1st edition.

    Amends GS 14-309.15 by deleting the provision that specified that a candidate, political committee, or governmental entity within the state could hold no more than two raffles per year. Also deletes the provision that limited total cash prizes and the total fair market value of all prizes, offered or paid by any candidate, political committee, or governmental entity in the state to $125,000 in any calendar year. 

  • Summary date: Mar 1 2017 - View Summary

    Amends GS 14-309.6 to define nonprofit organization. The definition is the same as the definition of nonprofit organization previously found in GS 14-309.15.

    Amends GS 14-309.15 to clarify that regional or county chapters of nonprofit organizations may conduct raffles independently of their parent organizations. Increases the number of raffles that nonprofit organizations may hold from two per year to four per year, with no more than one raffle per quarter. Increases the total allowable cash prize, and fair market value of all prizes offered either in cash or in merchandise, for a nonprofit organization's raffle from $125,000 to $250,000. Clarifies that the cash prize limit, and fair market value limit of all prizes in either cash or merchandise, for raffles conducted by candidates, political committees, or government entities, remains $125,000. Makes conforming changes.

    Amends GS 18B-308 to allow the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages while raffles are being conducted.

    Enacts new GS 18B-903A, which requires the North Carolina Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission (ABC Commission) to reissue limited special occasion permits and one-time permits, issued pursuant to GS 18B-1001(9) or GS 18B-1002(a)(2), to nonprofit organizations which had previously received the same permit within the last 18 months. Requires the same individual representing the nonprofit organization to request the reissuance, and that the request be for the same location as the original permit. The ABC Commission may only require the street address, county, date, and description of the event, and the contact information of the individual representing the nonprofit organization, for reissuance. Reissued permit is only valid for 48 hours before and after the event. Authorizes ABC Commission to provide a form for application for reissuance, and sets fee for reissuance at the same level as the fee for the original special permit. Prohibits ABC Commission from investigating the applicant and premises for the reissuance more than once every three years. Creates a new Class 1 misdemeanor for knowingly making a false statement on an application for a permit reissuance. Effective December 1, 2017.

    Amends GS 18B-1002(a)(5) to authorize offering alcoholic beverages as raffle prizes, and the sale of alcoholic beverages to raise funds, to recipients of an alcoholic beverage permit for a ticketed fundraising event.

    Makes conforming changes.

    Unless otherwise indicated, effective October 1, 2017.