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  • Summary date: Feb 15 2017 - View Summary

    House committee substitute makes the following changes to the 1st edition.

    Amends the proposed language in Section 1 of SL 1957-125 to provide that the the officers (was, the Town Council) for the Town of Troy consists of a mayor and five commissioners. Deletes proposed language concerning the commissioners' terms and election and replaces it with the following. Directs the three commissioners whose terms expire in 2017 to continue to serve until 2018. Provides that in 2018, and quadrennially thereafter as their terms expire, three commissioners are to be elected to fill expired seats, and are to serve four-year terms. Directs that the two commissioners whose terms expire in 2019 are to continue to serve until 2020. Provides that in 2020, and quadrennially thereafter as their terms expire, two commissioners are to be elected to fill expired seats, and are to serve four-year terms.

    Deletes the proposed language concerning the Town of Star's commissioners' terms and election in Section 1 of SL 1957-448 and replaces it with language identical to the provisions added by this committee substitute concerning the terms and election of Town of Troy commissioners above.

    Adds that this act applies to elections held on or after the date on which the act becomes effective. Prohibits the towns of Troy and Star from holding municipal elections in 2017 and provides that municipal elections are to next occur in 2018.

  • Summary date: Jan 25 2017 - View Summary

    Amends Section 1 of SL 1957-125 to provide that, beginning in 2018, Town Council municipal elections for the Town of Troy must be held in even-numbered years. Provides that the mayor whose term expires in 2017 must continue to serve until 2018, and thereafter, the mayor is to be elected for a term of two years. Replaces the existing provisions concerning the election of commissioners, and instead provides that in 2017, three commissioners are to be elected for five-year terms, and the two commissioners whose terms expire in 2019 are to continue to serve until 2020. Provides that in 2020 and quadrennially thereafter, two commissioners are to be elected to serve four-year terms, and in 2022 and quadrennially thereafter, three commissioners are to be elected to serve four-year terms. Makes technical changes.

    Amends Section 1 of SL 1957-448 to provide that, beginning in 2018, Town Council municipal elections for the Town of Star must be held in even-numbered years. Makes changes identical to the changes made to Section 1 of SL 1957-125, relating to the election and terms of the mayor and commissioners. Makes technical changes.