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  • Summary date: Apr 30 2013 - View Summary

    House committee substitute makes the following changes to the 1st edition.

    Changes short and long title.

    Deletes and replaces all of the sections and provisions of the previous edition.

    Establishes that the General Assembly finds that the ability of a city or county to efficiently and effectively provide public enterprise services is imperiled by the use by that local government of those revenues for purposes other than (1) the paying of costs of operating the public enterprise, (2) making debt service payments, (3) investing in improvements to the infrastructure of that public enterprise, and (4) reimbursing the unit of local government for actual direct services provided to the public enterprise.

    States that the General Assembly also finds that any excess net revenues should be used to lower rates, advance fund debt service, and fund infrastructure improvements of that public enterprise.

    Directs the Legislative Research Commission (Commission) to study the issues raised above as well as make recommendations in regards to the following:

    (1) Proper accounting controls to ensure transparency in budgeting and accounting for expenditures and interfund transfers of city and county public enterprise services.

    (2) Legislation which may be necessary to ensure proper funding of infrastructure maintenance and improvements for local government public enterprises.

    (3) Legislation which may be necessary to ensure that local governments monitor aging public enterprise infrastructure to ensure proper maintenance and repair.

    (4) Legislation to improve local government public enterprise management.

    Provides that the Commission will consult with the Local Government Commission and the School of Government during the course of the study. The Commission will make an interim report to the 2013 Regular Session of the General Assembly prior to its reconvening in 2014 and will make a final report to the 2015 Regular Session of the General Assembly

  • Summary date: Apr 10 2013 - View Summary

    Enacts new GS 160A-314.2 (concerning cities) and GS 153A-277.1 (concerning counties), as the tile indicates.