As the title indicates.
Amends GS 115C-47 to add a new subdivision (61) toencouragelocal boards of education to provide an armed security guard at all elementary, middle, and high schools. Allows a local board to hire a person meeting the qualifications under this proposed subdivision at the board's discretion. Requires that the armed security guard meet requirements set by the North Carolina Criminal Justice Education and Training Standards Commission (Commission) for state law enforcement officers. Requires all applicants, other than certified law enforcement officers, to successfully complete an approvedfirearms safety and training course before working as an armed security guard at a school. Makes conforming changes to various statutes to allow charter schools, regional schools, and nonpublic schools to provide armed security guards at the school.
Amends GS 17E-4(a) to provide that the powers and duties of the Commission include developing a firearms safety and training course for the county sheriff's office to administer under proposed GS 115C-47(61). Declares that the course must include a focus on the actual firing of firearms in a crisis situation where unarmed bystanders are involved.
Amends GS 14-269.2 to add a definition for the term armed security guard consistent with proposed subdivision (61) of GS 115C-47.
Makes additional conforming changes to waive certain concealed carry permit requirements and other provisions regarding the presence of firearms on educational property.
Effective December 1, 2013.
Bill Summaries: S59 ARMED SECURITY GUARDS IN K-12.
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Bill S 59 (2013-2014)Summary date: Feb 5 2013 - View Summary