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  • Summary date: Jun 19 2014 - View Summary

    AN ACT TO BROADEN THE PERMITTED USE OF STORMWATER FEES. Enacted June 19, 2014. Effective June 19, 2014.

  • Summary date: May 14 2013 - View Summary

    House committee substitute makes the following changes to the 1st edition.

    Enacts new GS 153A-274.1, Flood control activities under stormwater management programs, (was, amended GS 153A-277(a) regarding stormwater management programs). Clarifies that it is the General Assembly's finding that it is in the best interest of North Carolina's residents to promote and fund the implementation of stormwater management programs (was, promote and encourage the funding and implementation of stormwater management programs). Substantively retains provisions from the 1st edition regarding the scope of a county's authority in operating its stormwater management program; however, makes organizational changes.

    Subsection (b)(2) specifies flood damage reduction techniques that the county may implement under its stormwater management program. Amends those proposed techniques to remove flood proofing flood prone structures. Subsection (c) provides that a county may engage in the activities as listed in (b)(2) only under the circumstances contained in a policy document approved by the board of county commissioners. Specifies what the policy document must minimally establish. Requires that an existing stormwater advisory committee review and approve projects implementing flood damage reduction techniques under (b)(2).

    The new statute applies only to counties with a population of 910,000 or greater.

  • Summary date: Apr 3 2013 - View Summary

    Identical to S 275, filed 3/12/13.

    Amends GS 153A-277(a), giving counties in North Carolina the authority to fund or establish a program that can purchase and demolish flood-prone buildings and implement flood damage reduction techniques that will result in the improvement of private property, including such techniques as elevating structures, demolishing flood-prone structures, and retrofitting and/or floodproofing flood-prone structures when the county has obtained the private property owner's consent to the flood reduction improvements and the county has determined that improving the stormwater system is either not technically feasible or not cost-effective.