House committee substitute makes the following change to the 1st edition. Clarifies the changes to GS 131D-10.9A to provide that the policies the Division of Social Services is required to enforce will not prohibit a foster parent from smoking in a private residence used to provide licensed foster care to children of all ages, but only in residences used to provide foster care to infants (child under age one).
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Bill H 805 (2013-2014)Summary date: May 15 2013 - View Summary
Bill H 805 (2013-2014)Summary date: Apr 12 2013 - View Summary
Amends GS 131D-10.5 (Powers and duties of the Commission), providing that the Social Service Commission will adopt rules establishing a policy to prohibit a foster parent from smoking in the presence of an infant in the foster parent's care, pursuant to GS 131D-10.9A.
Amends GS Chapter 131D, by creating a new section GS 131D-10.9A (Policy prohibiting smoking in the presence of an infant in foster care setting), establishing that the Division of Social Services will enforce a written policy which prohibits a foster parent from smoking in a private residence used to provide licensed foster care. This policy will also prohibit a foster parent from smoking in the presence of an infant in the foster parent's care while in a motor vehicle. Requires the foster parent to prohibit others from smoking in the presence of an infant in that foster parent's care as well.