House committee substitute makes the following changes to the 1st edition.
Changes the appointment date for the initial members of the Permanency Innovation Initiative Oversight Committee to provide that they must be appointed on or after July 1, 2013 (was, January 1, 2014).
Provides that one of the four members of the committee appointed upon recommendation of the Speaker of the House will be a member of the House and will be appointed for a one-year term (previously, the act did not provide for a member of the House to be appointed). Makes a conforming change.
Provides that one of the four members of the committee appointed upon recommendation of the President Pro Tempore of the Senate will be a member of the Senate and will be appointed for a one-year term (previously, the act did not provide for a member of the Senate to be appointed). Makes a conforming change.
Amends GS 131D-10.9B, Permanency Innovation Initiative Fund, making technical changes.
Amends the appropriations provided for in the act, appropriating from the General Fund to the Division of Social Services, for the purpose of the fund for services provided by the Children's Home Society of North Carolina, $1 million (was $2.5 million) for the 2013-14 fiscal year and $2.75 million (was, $4.25 million) for the 2014-15 fiscal year.
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Bill H 971 (2013-2014)Summary date: May 21 2013 - View Summary
Bill H 971 (2013-2014)Summary date: Apr 17 2013 - View Summary
Amends GS 108A-50.2, changing "Special Children Adoption Fund" to "Adoption Promotion Fund."
Recodifies GS 131D-10.1 through GS 131D-10.9 as Part 1 of Article 1A and enacts new Part 2, A Family for Every Child Initiative, consisting of GS 131D-10.9A and GS 131D-10.9B.
Enacts GS 131D-10.9A creating the 11-member Permanency Innovations Initiative Oversight Committee (the Committee). The Committee is directed to (1) design and implement a data tracking methodology to collect and analyze information to gauge the success of the initiative; (2) develop a methodology to identify short and long-term cost savings in the provision of foster care and any potential reinvestment strategies; (3) oversee program implementation to ensure fidelity to the program models; and (4) study, review, and recommend other policies and services that may positively impact permanency and well-being outcomes.
Enacts GS 131D-10.9B creating a Permanency Innovations Initiative Fund (Fund) that will support a demonstration project with services provided by Children's Home Society of North Carolina. This fund will (1) improve permanency outcomes for children living in foster care, (2) improve engagement with biological relatives of children in or at risk of entering foster care, and (3) reduce costs associated with maintaining children in foster care.
Appropriates $1.5 million for 2013-14 and $1.5 million for 2014-15 from the General Fund to the Division of Social Services to restore funds to the Adoption Promotion Fund. Appropriates $2.5 million for 2013-14 and $4.25 million for 2014-15 from the General Fund to the Division of Social Services for the fund.
Effective July 1, 2013.