Amends GS 143-548 concerning the membership and appointments to the Vocational Rehabilitation Council, amending the provisions for number of terms for the members, adding the member that is a representative of a parent training and information center to the list of members permitted to serve more than two consecutive full terms on the Council (previously, only the representative of the Client Assistance Program and the representative of the directors of projects were permitted to serve more than two consecutive full terms).
Amends GS 140-5.13 concerning the membership terms of the Board of Trustees (Board) of the NC Museum of Art, providing that all appointments by the General Assembly to the Board are for four years, with no one being appointed to more than three consecutive terms (previously, stated that regular appointments were for the then current legislative term, with no appointee being appointed to more than two consecutive terms of two years).
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Bill H 1146 (2015-2016)Summary date: Jun 2 2016 - View Summary