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  • Summary date: Jun 15 2016 - View Summary

    House amendments make the following changes to the 2nd edition.

    Amendment #2

    Amends newly enacted GS 108A-52.2, which provides penalties for noncompliance with work requirements in regards to federal food and nutrition benefits, providing for a three-month recipient disqualification period for the first instance of noncompliance and a six-month recipient disqualification period for the second instance of noncompliance (was, a full-household disqualification for the first and second instance of noncompliance). Further provides that with the third instance of noncompliance the recipient is permanently disqualified (previously, also provided for a six-month disqualification for the full household in instances of a third violation). 

    Amendment #3

    Directs the Department of Health and Human Services to report, on or before January 1, 2018, to the Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on Health and Human Services concerning the following: (1) the number of times cross-checking lottery winners with applicants for food and nutrition benefits resulted in a match, (2) the number of times the end result of this reporting resulted in the termination of food and nutrition benefits, (3) the number of terminations due to lottery winnings one year prior to the effective date of this act and one year following the date the act became effective, and (4) the amount of federal savings resulting from the termination of benefits because of this act.

  • Summary date: Jun 9 2016 - View Summary

    House committee substitute makes the following changes to the 1st edition.

    Changes the long title.

    Amends GS 18C-114(a), new subdivision (6a), to require the Commission to provide certain information to the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), Division of Social Services, regarding persons claiming cash prizes that equal or exceed $2,250 (previously, cash prizes in the amount of $600), as required by GS 18C-176.

    Makes conforming change to GS 18C-176 and GS 108A-52.1.

    Directs the Legislative Research Commission to study the determination of eligibility and the limitation on categorical eligibility as provided in GS 108A-52 and House Bill 1047, Section 2, as introduced during the 2015 Session. Requires the Legislative Research Commission to report its findings and any proposed legislation to the 2017 Regular Session. Effective when the act becomes law.

    Deletes the proposed changes to GS 108A-52 in the previous edition.

    Amends proposed GS 108A-52.2 to require the Department to implement the specified disqualification periods for any instance of noncompliance under 7 CFR 273.7 (previously, for any instance of noncompliance with one or more substantive requirements for food and nutrition benefits) unless expressly prohibited by federal law.

    Expands the provision of Section 5 allocating any future savings resulting from implementation of the act to DHHS for services to individuals identified as autistic to also include services to individuals identified as mentally ill, intellectually or developmentally delayed, and substance addicted.

  • Summary date: May 5 2016 - View Summary

    Amends GS 18C-114(a) concerning the powers and duties of the NC State Lottery Commission (Commission), now allowing the Commission to provide specified information to the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), Division of Social Services (Division), regarding persons claiming cash prizes of $600 or more.

    Enacts new GS 18C-176, which requires the Commission to report the name, prize amount, and other available identifying information of a person claiming a cash prize of $600 or more to the Division to crosscheck such information with applicants for or recipients of food and nutrition benefits. Requires the report of such information on at least a monthly basis. 

    Enacts new GS 108A-52.1, directing DHHS to review the information received above at least on a monthly basis and crosscheck it with applicants for or recipients of food and nutrition benefits. Establishes procedures and processes for when an applicant or recipient hasn't reported correctly excess winnings above that amount allowed for the resource limit for food and nutrition services. Allows DHHS to conduct a further review concerning fraudulent misrepresentation. Provides that information submitted to DHHS from the Commission is confidential. 

    Amends GS 108A-52 to add new subsection (b), which provides that DHHS cannot grant categorical eligibility for the food and nutrition services program based off of noncash, in-kind, or other benefit.

    Enacts new GS 108A-52.2, Disqualification for noncompliance with requirements for food and nutrition benefits, setting out disqualification periods ranging from a three-month full household disqualification to an outright permanent disqualification for three instances of noncompliance with requirements for food and nutrition benefits. Allows noncompliance in other federal, state, or local means-tested assistance programs to also qualifyfor the above disqualification. Authorizes the Social Services Commission to adopt rules to implement this section.

    Requires the Commission to begin providing the information required by this act one month after it becomes effective. 

    Provides that savings resulting from this act can be reallocated to DHHS for individual autistic services. 

    Effective six months after bill becomes law.