Identical to H 961 filed on 4/26/16.
Amends GS 96-15.3 to specify that the purpose of the Board of Review (BOR) includes developing, documenting, and adopting the policies, procedures, and standards necessary to ensure consistency and continuity of higher-level appeals operations. Requires that the BOR be supported by adequate legal and support staff and requires staff to report to the Chair of the BOR. BOR staff is required to perform its duties and responsibilities independent of the Governor, General Assembly, Department of Commerce (Department), and the Division of Employment Security (DES) and in accordance with any written guidance from the US Department of Labor. Requires DES to assist BOR in collecting and tracking data needed to support appeals operations and to make improvements to those operations. Specifies minimum data that is to be tracked.
Effective July 1, 2016, requires DES to transfer at least two attorney and four administrative staff positions within DES to the control of BOR. Requires DES to transfer $415,000 for the 2016-17 fiscal year from the funds appropriated to DES for the administration of the Unemployment Insurance program to pay the BOR staff costs. Requires the Department to report on the transfer by October 1, 2016, to the chairs of the Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on Unemployment Insurance and the chairs of the Joint Natural and Economic Resources Committee of the Senate and House Appropriations Committees.
Requires the BOR, by October 1, 2016, to adopt policies, procedures, and standards for higher level appeals in accordance with GS 96-15.3.
Requires the BOR, by November 1, 2016, to track data in accordance with GS 96-15.3.
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Bill S 758 (2015-2016)Summary date: Apr 26 2016 - View Summary