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  • Summary date: Jul 22 2013 - View Summary


  • Summary date: Jul 1 2013 - View Summary

    Senate committee substitute to the 3rd edition makes the following changes. Amends GS 14-410 to require that the permitted pyrotechnics be exhibited, used, handled, manufactured, or discharged by a production company, as defined in GS 105-164.3(30).

  • Summary date: May 1 2013 - View Summary

    House committee substitute makes the following changes to the 2nd edition.

    Amends GS 14-410(a1)(3), providing that a display operator, for a pyrotechnics display, is also not required to obtain written authority from the board of commissioners or city for a concert or public exhibition if written authority has been obtained from the University of North Carolina (UNC) School of Arts and pyrotechnics are exhibited on lands or in buildings owned by the state and used by the University of North Carolina School of the Arts (previously, only provided for written authorization from the University of North Carolina or UNC-Chapel Hill).

    Amends subsection (a)(2) of GS 14-413 (Permits for use at public exhibitions), providing that a permit for use at public exhibitions is not required for a public exhibition if it is authorized by the UNC School of the Arts and is conducted on lands or in buildings owned by the state and used by the University of North Carolina School of the Arts (previously, only referred to the exhibition being conducted on lands or in buildings owned by UNC School of the Arts in Forsyth County).

    Amends GS 58-82A-3 (Pyrotechnics display operator license), making a technical change.

    Amends GS 58-82A-25 (Qualifications for event employees), providing that event employees are not allowed to discharge or be in the presence of the pyrotechnic material unless under direct supervision of a licensed pyrotechnic operator or an on-site representative as provided in GS 14-410(a1)(2) (previously, only provided an exception for being under direct supervision of a licensed pyrotechnic operator).

  • Summary date: Apr 24 2013 - View Summary

    House committee substitute to the 1st edition makes a spelling correction.

  • Summary date: Apr 12 2013 - View Summary

    Amends GS 14-410 allowing the pyrotechnics display operator for the University of North Carolina School of the Arts to appoint a representative to supervise any performances that include a proximate audience display, provided that the representative is 21 years old or older and is properly trained in the safe discharge of proximate audience displays.

    Amends GS 14-410 adding subsection (a4) allowing pyrotechnics to be exhibited, used, handled, manufactured, or discharged within the State as a special effect for a motion picture production as long as the set is closed to the public or there is a minimum of 500 feet distance from the public.

    Amends GS 14-410 adding subsection (a5) allowing the use of pyrotechnics for the purpose of pyrotechnic or proximate audience display instruction consisting of classroom and practical skills training as approved by the Office of State Fire Marshall.

    Amends GS 14-413, adding subsections (1) and (2) enumerating circumstances for which no permits for concerts or public exhibitions are required.

    Amends GS 58-82A-3 adding subsection (b1) allowing the Commissioner of Insurance to issue a Limited Pyrotechnic Operator license to an individual meeting all of the requirements in subsection (b) with the exception of the letter of clearance if the individual signs a statement affirming that they have not been convicted of a specified violation and are not prohibited from possessing pyrotechnic materials.  Makes a conforming change.

    Amends GS 58-82A-3 adding subsection (e) excluding public exhibitions consisting of materials exempted by GS 14-414 from the operator license requirements.

    Amends GS 58-82A-25(3) changing the on-site examination passing score to a minimum of 5 (instead of 5) questions testing basic pyrotechnic safety knowledge.

    Amends GS 58-82A-25(4) prohibiting an event employee from being in the presence of pyrotechnic materials without signing a statement provided by the Commissioner of Insurance affirming that the individual has not been convicted of violating 18 U.S.C. Chapter 40, Section 842(i), or is not otherwise prohibited from possession pyrotechnic materials. The event employee will also not be allowed to discharge or be in the presence of pyrotechnic materials unless under direct supervision of a licensed pyrotechnic operator.