Amends GS 115C-84.2 to increase the school calendar requirement from 215 days per fiscal year to 220 days. Requires the local school board to designate eight days for use as teacher workdays, additional instructional days, or other lawful purposes (was, five teacher workdays). Removes provision that declared that teacher workdays were protected to allow teachers to complete instructional and classroom administrative duties and prohibiting local boards from imposing any additional tasks on the designated work days. Authorizes a local board to delegate authority to individual schools to schedule use of some or all of the eight days and allows the individual school’s principal to schedule the delegated days for any of the designated purposes. Permits flexibility in the scheduling and use of these days, including permitting reserving of up to two days as additional make-up days in local school administrative units that have made up an average of at minimum eight days due to inclement weather. Requires local boards and individual schools to give teachers at least 14 calendar days’ notice before requiring a teacher to work instead of taking vacation leave on any of the delegated eight days designated for the allowed purposes. Provides that the total number of teacher workdays is not to be more than 200 days (was, 195).
Authorizes local boards of education to set opening and closing dates for public schools (was, except for year round schools, statewide requirement that the opening date be no earlier than August 25 and the closing date no later than June 10 for students). Permits different opening and closing dates for schools in the same administrative unit. Makes a conforming change, deleting provisions regarding waiver requests to the State Board of Education by local administrative units needing make up days due to school closings.
Amends GS 115C-302.1(b) to provide that the daily rate of pay for teachers is to equal one twenty-second of the monthly rate of pay (was, daily rate of pay equal to midway between one twenty-first and one-twenty-second of the monthly rate of pay). Makes conforming changes.
Provides that there will not be an increase or decrease for the annual rate of pay beginning with the 2011-12 school year for certified and noncertified employees who are employed on or after the effective date of this act. Provides that noting in this act is to be construed as changing the pay cycle for noncertified employees. Requires the State Board of Education to make an annual report on compliance with these provisions.
Declares that the increase in the number of workdays does not constitute a demotion under Part 3 of Article 22 of GS Chapter 115C or any other personnel law or policy.
Provides that nothing in this act requires an appropriation of funds from the General Assembly or additional spending by a local administrative unit to implement it.
Effective when the act becomes law and applies to school years beginning with the 2011-12 school year. Declares that the act applies in all 100 counties and in all local school administrative units.
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Bill H 175 (2011-2012)Summary date: Feb 23 2011 - View Summary