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  • Summary date: Apr 16 2015 - View Summary

    Adds new Article 29E, Student Safety in Athletics, in GS Chapter 115C. Requires the State Board of Education (SBOE) to adopt guidelines and educational material for use by local boards of education to inform student athletes and their parents and coaches about heat-related illnesses and the risks associated with continuing play or practice after showing signs of heat-related illness. Requires the student's parents or guardian to sign an acknowledgment of the information sheet developed under the statute before the student participates in athletics. Requires local boards of education to adopt heat stroke prevention protocols. Requires students showing symptoms of heat exhaustion or heat stroke to be removed from participation and prohibits returning until the student is cleared to return by a licensed healthcare professional or other official designated in the emergency action plan. 

    Requires the SBOE to adopt rules governing interscholastic athletic activities with regard to concussion safety for athletes in middle and high school that includes the specified provisions, including requiring the students showing symptoms of a concussion to be removed from the activity and not be allowed to return until the student receives written clearance from one of the listed entities.

    Requires the local board of education to require middle and high schools to develop venue specific emergency action plans to deal with serious injuries and acute medical conditions in which the patient's condition may deteriorate rapidly. Sets out requirements for the plan. 

    Makes conforming changes to GS 115C-12.

    Applies beginning with the 2015-16 school year.