House committee substitute makes the following changes to the 1st edition.
Amends GS 132-1.4 to no longer specify that nothing in the subsection is to be construed as altering any federal law that authorizes or prohibits access to recordings subject to this subsection. Makes a clarifying change.
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Bill H 713 (2015-2016)Summary date: Apr 22 2015 - View Summary
Bill H 713 (2015-2016)Summary date: Apr 15 2015 - View Summary
Amends GS 132-1.4(b)(1) concerning criminal intelligence and investigation records, adding records or information from body-worn and in-car cameras to the definition of records of criminal investigation, providing that such are not public records and can only be disclosed as specified.
Enacts new GS 132-1.4(g1), which provides a process for individuals to obtain the release and inspection of information or data captured on an officer's body-worn camera or in-car camera. Requires such individuals to state the date and time of the incident or encounter captured with reasonable particularity. Provides that law enforcement agencies can release captured recordings by such a camera without the consent of the officer(s) appearing or being heard on the recording. Provides that this act does not (1) require a law enforcement agency to allow the inspection or examination of such recordings or (2) supersede or alter any federal law authorizing or prohibiting access to such recordings.