Bill Summaries: H 506 911 FUND DISTRIBUTION.

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  • Summary date: Apr 2 2015 - View Summary

    Under current law, the 911 Board must make monthly distributions from the amount allocated to the 911 Fund for Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs) to PSAPs meeting specified eligibility requirements.

    Amends GS 62A-46(a), adding a new subdivision (5) to provide the process of appeal for a distribution denial by the 911 Board to a PSAP. Requires that a decision by the 911 Board to deny a distribution for expenses incurred by a PSAP must be in writing and must include: (1) the reason for the denial, (2) a notice of the PSAP's appeal right, and (3) information about how to file an appeal or the procedure for requesting reconsideration of the denial.

    Amends GS 62A-46(c), regarding the use of funds, to delete language that prohibited a PSAP from using distributions form the 911 Fund for costs of base station transmitters, towers, microwave links, and antennae used to dispatch emergency call information from the PSAP or back-up PSAP. Adds language that permits a PSAP to use a 911 Fund distribution to pay for base station transmitters, towers, microwave links, antennae, and all other transmission equipment located on or otherwise attached to any tower used to dispatch emergency call information from the PSAP.

    Directs the Legislative Research Commission (Commission) to study the structure, operations, and functions of the 911 Board and specifies issues that the study is to include. Requires the Commission to report its findings and recommendations for statutory or administrative changes to the Joint Legislative Commission on Governmental Operations no later than January 31, 2015.

    Effective July 1, 2015.