House committee substitute makes the following changes to the 1st edition:
Amends GS 116E-6(a), making technical changes and deletions.
Makes additional technical changes.
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Bill H 401 (2015-2016)Summary date: Apr 16 2015 - View Summary
Bill H 401 (2015-2016)Summary date: Mar 31 2015 - View Summary
Amends GS 20-70 to allow the Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to disclose Social Security numbers to the North Carolina Longitudinal Data System.
Specifies that the DMV may share a Social Security number with the North Carolina P-20W Statewide Longitudinal Data System for connecting education and workforce data.
Amends GS 96-4(x) to require the Division of Employment Security (Division) to provide record level unemployment compensation to the NC Longitudinal Data System for specified uses.
Also requires the Division to provide record level unemployment compensation information to the North Carolina P-20W Statewide Longitudinal Data System for specified purposes.
Amends GS 116E-1 by removing unique student identifiers from data that must be de-identified.
Amends GS 116E-5 to no longer require analysis and research to be conducted using only de-identified data. Requires the establishment of rules to ensure, in aggregate data, that confidentiality of individual student data is preserved.
Specifies ways in which the P-20W Council must regulate the use of data that is accessible through the North Carolina P-20W State Longitudinal Data System.
Amends GS 116E-6 to add that for the purposes of the statute, state agencies that provide data to the Educational Longitudinal Data System include but are not limited to those listed.
Requires local school administrative units, charter schools, community colleges, constituent institutions of the University of North Carolina, and state agencies to comply with the data requirements and implementation schedule for the North Carolina P‑20W Statewide Longitudinal Data System and transfer student data and workforce data to the North Carolina P‑20W Statewide Longitudinal Data System in accordance with the data security and safeguarding plan developed by the P‑20W Council.
Requires that upon the conclusion of the North Carolina P‑20W Statewide Longitudinal Data System grant provided by the United States Department of Education, the North Carolina P‑20W Statewide Longitudinal Data System will become the North Carolina Longitudinal Data System and be governed by the North Carolina Longitudinal Data System Board.