House committee substitute makes the following changes to the 1st edition:
Deletes provisions from the previous edition that provided for a $5 million appropriation from the General Fund to the Community Colleges System Office for fiscal years 2015-16 and 2016-17 for implementation of the Community College Innovative Pilot Program. Makes conforming deletions.
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Bill H 396 (2015-2016)Summary date: Apr 28 2015 - View Summary
Bill H 396 (2015-2016)Summary date: Mar 30 2015 - View Summary
Requires the State Board of Community Colleges (Board) to establish the Community College Innovative Pilot Program for participating community colleges to establish new, innovative workforce development programs in development tier one and tier two counties. Specifies the purpose of the pilot. Requires implementation to begin with the 2016‑17 academic year and continue for of three academic years, ending with the 2018‑19 academic year. Requires the Board, in collaboration with the Department of Commerce, to develop criteria for approval of an application submitted by a community college serving a development tier one or tier two county to participate in the pilot program. Requires the Board to report to the Joint Legislative Education Oversight Committee by September 1, 2019, on the implementation and administration of the pilot program.
Appropriates from the General Fund to the Community Colleges System Office $5 million for 2015‑16 and $5 million for 2016‑17 to provide funds to implement the requirements of this act. Allows the Community Colleges System Office to use up to $100,000 of these funds each fiscal year for administration and evaluation of the pilot program. Provides that these funds appropriated for 2015‑16 do not revert at the end of the fiscal year, but shall remain available for expenditure for the purposes set forth in this act until June 30, 2017. Effective July 1, 2015.