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  • Summary date: Mar 31 2015 - View Summary

    Amends GS 20-20.1(c) regarding the compliance period to provide that upon petition to the court for limited driving privileges, the judge may determine the effective date of the limited driving privilege and requires that the effective date be displayed on the face of the order (was, provided a table with specified time frames for the revocation period and the compliance period).

    Amends GS 20-20.1(j) to fix the term of a limited driving privilege issued under this section at a period of one year (previously was the shorter of one-year or the length of time remaining in the statutorily designated revocation period). Provides that the petitioner may petition the court for an additional one-year term at the end of the current term. Makes the decision as to whether to reissue the limited privilege for an additional one-year term at the discretion of the court. Limits renewal of the limited privilege to only twice.

    Effective December 1, 2015, and applies to limited driving privileges issued on or after that date.