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  • Summary date: Apr 29 2015 - View Summary

    Senate amendment makes the following changes to the 3rd edition.

    Amends the effective date provision to add that the act applies to acts occurring an offenses committed on or after July 1, 2015.

  • Summary date: Apr 28 2015 - View Summary

    Senate committee substitute makes the following changes to the 2nd edition.

    Amends GS 115C-335.15 as follows. Adds that a local board of education employee may not use the authority of the person's position to secure support for or oppose any candidate, party, or issue in an election involving candidates for office or party nominations, or affect the results of such, while the employee is on duty or within any period of time during which the employee is expected to perform services for which the employee receives compensation from a local board of education. Makes conforming and clarifying changes.

    Amends GS 126-13 as follows. Adds that state employees subject to the NC Human Resources Act or temporary state employees may not use the authority of the person's position to secure support for or oppose any candidate, party, or issue in an election involving candidates for office or party nominations, or affect the results of such, while the employee is on duty or within any period of time during which the employee is expected to perform services for which the employee receives compensation from the state. Makes conforming and clarifying changes.

  • Summary date: Apr 22 2015 - View Summary

    Senate committee substitute makes the following changes to the 1st edition.

    Changes the long title. 

    Amends proposed GS 115C-335.15, making technical and clarifying changes.  Sets out specified exemptions to the requirements of the section, including engaging as specified in advocating for or against policy issues if invited by a governing body to do so. Also exempts superintendents and principals or certain other specified employees from the prohibition on advocating for or against policy using public funds, supplies, equipment, or vehicles. Adds provisions clarifying that teachers can still provide instruction concerning civic literacy and the democratic process as specified. Adds a prohibition on requiring the contribution of funds for political or partisan purposes as a condition of employment. Defines equipment for the purposes of the section as meaning digital and electronic resources controlled and maintained by the local school administrative unit, including email addresses and phones.  

    Deletes proposed GS 115C-218.91, Appropriate political activity of charter school employees; disciplinary action and proposed GS 115C-238.74, Appropriate political activity of school employee; disciplinary action. Amends GS 115C-218.90 and 115C-238.68, instead, to provide that the requirements for appropriate political activity of school employees also apply to employees of charter schools and regional schools.

    Amends GS 126-13, Appropriate political activity of State employees defined, making clarifying changes and adding language that parallels the applicable requirements and exemptions for appropriate political activity for school employees.  

  • Summary date: Mar 26 2015 - View Summary

    Enacts new GS 115C-335.15, Appropriate political activity of school employees; disciplinary action, providing that employees of local boards of education retain all the rights and obligations of citizenship as provided in the Constitution and laws of North Carolina and the United States, providing, however, that no employee can (1) actively participate in managing a political campaign, campaign for political office, or otherwise engage in political activity while on duty or during a time when they are to receive compensation for services; (2) use the authority of his or her position or use public funds, supplies, or vehicles to secure support for or oppose any candidate, party, or issue; and (3) utilize public funds, supplies, equipment, or vehicles for partisan purposes, political purposes, or to engage in advocating for or against issues of local, state, or federal policy.

    Provides that local boards of education and supervisors cannot make any rule or policy with the effect of interfering with the right of an employee to engage in political activity while not on duty or at times when they are not performing services for compensation from the local board. Creates exceptions for employees that are expected to perform duties on a 24-hours-per-day basis. Violations are a Class 1 misdemeanor. Provides that failure on the part of an employee to comply is grounds for discipline. 

    Enacts new GS 115C-218.91, Appropriate political activity of school employees; disciplinary action, providing that employees of charter schools retain all the rights and obligations of citizenship as provided in the Constitution and laws of North Carolina and the United States, providing, however, that no employee can (1) actively participate in managing a political campaign, campaign for political office, or otherwise engage in political activity while on duty or during a time when they are to receive compensation for services; (2) use the authority of his or her position or use public funds, supplies, or vehicles to secure support for or oppose any candidate, party, or issue; and (3) utilize public funds, supplies, equipment, or vehicles for partisan purposes, political purposes, or to engage in advocating for or against issues of local, state, or federal policy.

    Provides that charter school boards of directors and supervisors cannot make any rule or policy with the effect of interfering with the right of an employee to engage in political activity while not on duty or at times when they are not performing services for compensation from the local board. Creates exceptions for employees that are expected to perform duties on a 24-hours-per-day basis. Violations are a Class 1 misdemeanor. Provides that failure on the part of an employee to comply is grounds for discipline. 

    Enacts new GS 115C-238.74, Appropriate political activity of school employees; disciplinary action, providing that employees of regional schools retain all the rights and obligations of citizenship as provided in the Constitution and laws of North Carolina and the United States, providing, however, that no employee can (1) actively participate in managing a political campaign, campaign for political office, or otherwise engage in political activity while on duty or during a time when they are to receive compensation for services; (2) use the authority of his or her position or use public funds, supplies, or vehicles to secure support for or oppose any candidate, party, or issue; and (3) utilize public funds, supplies, equipment, or vehicles for partisan purposes, political purposes, or engaging in advocating for or against issues of local, state, or federal policy. 

    Provides that regional school boards of directors and supervisors cannot make any rule or policy with the effect of interfering with the right of an employee to engage in political activity while not on duty or at times when they are not performing services for compensation from the local board. Violations are a Class 1 misdemeanor. Creates exceptions for employees that are expected to perform duties on a 24-hours-per-day basis. Provides that failure on the part of an employee to comply is grounds for discipline.