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  • Summary date: Mar 10 2015 - View Summary

    Amends GS 131E-176(9b) to delete the following from the definition of health service facility: a psychiatric facility, a diagnostic center, and an ambulatory surgical facility. Also amends GS 131E-176(16) to provide that "new institutional health services" no longer includes the conversion of special ambulatory surgical programs to a multi-specialty ambulatory surgical program; the construction, development, establishment, or increase in the number of operating rooms or gastrointestinal endoscopy rooms; or changes in the designations for use and type of rooms.

    Amends GS 131E-177 to clarify the powers and duties of the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) as the State Health Planning and Development Agency for North Carolina. Authorizes DHHS to develop a State Medical Facilities Plan (Plan), providing that the Plan does not include policies or need determinations that limit the number of operating rooms or gastrointestinal endoscopy rooms. Makes technical changes.

    Amends GS 131E-183 to no longer require the proposed project applying for a certificate of need to be consistent with policies and need determinations in the State Medical Facilities Plan constituting a limitation on operating rooms.

    Amends GS 131-184(a) to exempt diagnostic centers, ambulatory surgical facilities, gastrointestinal endoscopy rooms, and psychiatric hospitals from certificate of need review if a certificate of need approval was obtained before the act becomes effective.

    Adds a new subsection (f) to GS 131E-147 to specify the required content for an application for a license or renewal of a license to operate an ambulatory surgical facility developed, acquired, or replaced on or after this act becomes effective.

    Repeals GS 131E-175(11) and (12). Makes conforming changes to GS 131E-178(a) and GS 131E-184(a).