Bill Summaries: H162 Sudden Cardiac Arrest Education/Students.

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  • Summary date: Apr 21 2015 - View Summary

    House committee substitute make the following changes to the 1st edition.

    Amends GS 115C-407.41 to require guidelines and educational materials on the awareness, recognition, and management of sudden cardiac arrest (was, on the nature and warning signs of sudden cardiac arrest and the risks associated with continuing to play or practice after experiencing one of more symptoms of cardiac arrest). Adds to the organizations whose materials may be used in developing the guidelines and materials. Requires the State Board of Education to publish a list of approved providers of CPR Instruction training courses (was, sudden cardiac arrest training courses) to be offered to coaches. Requires student athletes to complete a heart history questionnaire before participating in athletics. Requires coaches to complete and maintain CPR certification (was, complete a sudden cardiac arrest training course). Deletes provisions concerning the removal (and subsequent reinstatement) of students showing signs or symptoms of sudden cardiac arrest. Makes conforming changes. 

    Makes the act effective beginning with the 2016-17 (was, 2015-16) school year.

    Makes conforming changes to the act's short and long titles. 

  • Summary date: Mar 4 2015 - View Summary

    Enacts a new Article 29E, "Student Safety in Athletics," in GS Chapter 115C to direct the State Board of Education (SBE) to adopt guidelines and educational materials for local boards of education (local boards) to use to inform coaches, students, and parents of students who participate in athletic activities on (1) the nature and warning signs of sudden cardiac arrest and (2) the risks associated with continuing to play or practice after experiencing one or more of those warning signs. Provides that the SBE may use existing materials developed by heart awareness organizations in developing the sudden cardiac arrest prevention materials. Specifies additional requirements regarding providing notice of these materials to the parent or guardian of students participating in athletic activities and requires coaches of athletic activities to annually complete a sudden cardiac arrest training course offered by a provider approved by the SBE. Makes a coach who fails to complete the training course ineligible to coach an athletic activity. Requires parents to sign an acknowledgment of the information sheet before student participation in an athletic activity. Specifies actions to be taken if a student exhibits or has been known to exhibit signs or symptoms of sudden cardiac arrest.

    Also directs the SBE to adopt rules for concussion safety for interscholastic athletic activities in middle schools and high schools. Specifies that certain school employees, coaches, first responders, volunteers, students, and their parents must receive a concussion and head injury information sheet on an annual basis. Requires students and parents to sign and return the information sheet before the student may participate in any interscholastic athletic activities. Specifies actions to be taken if a student exhibits or has been known to exhibit signs or symptoms consistent with a concussion. Requires each school to keep and maintain accurate records of its compliance with the requirements pertaining to head injuries.

    Directs local boards to require each middle school and high school to develop a written emergency plan that is venue-specific to deal with serious injuries and acute medical conditions in which the patient's condition may rapidly deteriorate.Requires that the plan is: (1) in writing, (2) reviewed by an athletic trainer licensed in this state, (3) approved by the school principal, (4) distributed to all appropriate personnel, (5) conspicuously posted at all venues, and (6) reviewed and rehearsed annually by all licensed athletic trainers, first responders, coaches, school nurses, athletic directors, and volunteers for interscholastic activities.

    Amends GS 115C-12(23), regarding adopting eligibility rules for interscholastic athletic competition, to delete the provisions of subdivision (23) and instead directs the SBE to adopt eligibility rules that include student safety in interscholastic athletic competition in accordance with new Article 29E, GS Chapter 115C, as enacted in this act.

    Effective when this act becomes law and applies beginning with the 2015-16 school year.