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  • Summary date: Mar 24 2015 - View Summary

    House committee substitute makes the following changes to the 1st edition.

    Amends GS 115C-112.6 to require the North Carolina State Education Assistance Authority (Authority) to adopt rules providing for the pro rata return of funds if a student withdraws prior to the end of the semester from a school that has received scholarship funds for the withdrawn student. 

    Amends the effective date clause to provide that the Authority must adopt rules within 60 days of the effective date of the act that provide for the pro rata return of funds if a student withdraws prior to the end of the semester from a school that has received scholarship funds for the withdrawn student.

  • Summary date: Mar 3 2015 - View Summary

    Amends GS 115C-112.6 as the title indicates. Under current law, the North Carolina State Education Assistance Authority (Authority) makes annual applications available to eligible students with disabilities for education scholarships and reimbursement for certain education costs.

    Amends subsection (b) of GS 115C-112.6 to increase the scholarship amount awarded to eligible students to $4,000 (was, $3,000) per semester per eligible student.

    Amends subsection (b1) to modify the method by which the scholarship funds are distributed. Scholarship funds are awarded for tuition and the reimbursement of special education, related services, and educational technology. As amended, this act provides that the Authority is to remit the scholarship funds awarded to eligible students for tuition to at least one of the eligible student's parents at least twice each school year. Requires that eligible students attend a North Carolina public school other than the public school to which the student was assigned under GS 115C-366, or a nonpublic school that meets the requirements of Part 1 or 2 of Article 39 of GS Chapter 115C. Requires that the parent or guardian restrictively endorse the received funds over to the school for deposit into the school account. Also requires that the parent or guardian must endorse the funds over to the school in person and at the site of the school. Provides that a failure to comply with these requirements will result in forfeiture of the scholarship funds, which then revert to the Authority for distribution to another eligible student. Makes additional conforming changes to GS 115C-112.6 to reflect the modifications in the disbursement of scholarship funds.

    Applies to scholarships awarded for the 2015-16 school year.