Adopts procedures for the House of Representatives for nominating and electing members of the UNC Board of Governors (BOG).
Makes it the duty of the University Board of Governors Nominating Committee (Committee) to conduct a process for nominating and electing persons for each opening on the BOG to which the House of Representatives is to elect members. Sets the time period for receiving BOG nominations as February 16 through February 20, 2015. The total number of open positions is eight and each Representative is allowed to nominate up to two persons by written nomination (by specified deadlines). Requires nominees to file a completed North Carolina State Ethics Commission Statement of Economic Interest with the North Carolina State Ethics Commission by 5:00 pm on February 20. Requires the Committee to list all nominees by February 20 and allows the Committee to screen nominees by interview, submission of written information, or both. Requires the Committee to vote to ensure that the slate of qualified candidates lists 16 candidates if 16 or more have been nominated.
Requires that the ballot be prepared under the supervision of the Committee Chair and that it include 16 qualified candidates if 16 or more individuals were nominated. Names are to be listed on the ballot in alphabetical order. Requires that the House hold its election no later than the beginning of the daily session on March 19, 2015. Requires that the Speaker of the House explain the six specified voting rules before the voting begins. House members are to vote for eight person for four year terms and each ballot must be signed by the member casting the ballot. Provides that the Committee Chair is responsible for canvassing the vote and declaring the results. Requires the House Principal Clerk to keep the ballots as part of the permanent records and keep the ballots open for immediate public inspection upon adjournment of that day's session. Provides that when the Committee Chair determines that the House has chosen eight persons to serve as members of the BOG, the Speaker of the House of Representatives must entertain a motion for the simultaneous election of those persons; the vote must be called electronically. Requires the election results to be sent to the Senate by Special Messenger.
Requires the Committee Chair to notify the Secretary of the BOG of the names of the persons elected by the House of Representatives and the term for which each person was elected.
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Bill H 37 (2015-2016)Summary date: Feb 3 2015 - View Summary