House committee substitute makes the following changes to 1st edition. Deletes all provisions of previous edition and replaces them with AN ACT CREATING THE HOUSE SELECT COMMITTEE ON NONPROFIT CORPORATIONS. Creates a seven-member House Select Committee on Nonprofit Corporations (Committee) to study and recommend the criteria for awarding grants to non-state nonprofits. Provides for member appointment, details issues the Committee must study, provides for the appointment of a co-chair, and assignment of professional and clerical staff. Details reporting duties for the Committee.
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Bill H 100 (2011-2012)Summary date: Jun 1 2011 - View Summary
Bill H 100 (2011-2012)Summary date: Feb 15 2011 - View Summary
Enacts new GS 143C-6-24 requiring that a nonprofit entity must meet all of the following criteria to be eligible to receive state funds: (1) receive at least 35% of its funding from private sources; and (2) limit its administrative expenses to no more than 15% of the total budget or receipts for the nonprofit entity.
Provides that the Office of State Budget and Management may suspend disbursement of funds to a nonprofit entity that violates the eligibility requirements and may try to recover grant funds that have already been disbursed under GS 143C-6-23(f) (suspension and recovery of funds to grant recipients for noncompliance).
Requires a non-state entity that is a nonprofit corporation that receives a state grant to certify annually that it is in compliance with this section pursuant to GS 143C-6-23(d) (office of state budget rules must require uniform administration of state grants).
Makes a conforming change to GS 143C-6-23(d)(6).
Effective July 1, 2011, and applies to grants of state funds awarded on or after that date.