Senate committee substitute makes the following changes to 1st edition. Rewrites proposed GS 15A-1368.2(a) to clarify that a prisoner whose maximum sentence is established pursuant to proposed GS 1340.17(f) (was, a prisoner subject to the registration requirements under Article 27A of GS Chapter 14) is released from prison as specified. Makes conforming changes to GS 15A-1354(b)(1) and GS 15A-1368(a)(5). Adds additional language to GS 15A-1368.2(b) to provide that punishment by contempt for willful refusal to accept post-release supervision or to comply with the terms of post-release supervision does not preclude the application of any other sanction provided by law for the same conduct. Makes other clarifying changes to GS 15A-1368.2(b).
Rewrites GS 143B-266(a) to provide that the Post-Release Supervision and Parole Commission (Commission) has the authority to punish for criminal contempt for willful refusal to accept post-release supervision or to comply with the terms of post-release supervision by a prisoner whose offense is a reportable conviction subject to the registration requirement of Article 27A of GS 14. Requires any contempt proceeding conducted by the Commission to be in accordance with GS 5A-15 as if the Commission were a judicial official. Makes other clarifying changes. Effective when the act becomes law.