Amends GS 15A-173.2 (provides for Certificates of Relief relieving collateral consequences of certain offenses) requiring that petitions for Certificates of Relief be filed in the county where the most serious offense occurred or, if the petitioner has been convicted of more than one offense of the same gravity, in the county of the most recent and most serious conviction. Amends this same section to direct the Senior Resident Superior Court Judge and Chief District Court Judge in each district to designate a Certificate of Relief point of contact who is to be trained in using a shared database. Also provides that supporting documentation provided by the petitioner be considered in reviewing the petition for a Certificate of Relief.
Amends GS 15A-173.4 (issuing, modifying, or revoking Certificates of Relief) to require notice to the district attorney in each district for petitions for a Certificate of Relief involving multiple offenses in multiple counties and to change the period of notice the court must give district attorneys and the petitioner to at least 30 days (was, three weeks) before the hearing.
Effective December 31, 2021 and apply to petitions filed on or after that date.
Directs the Administrative Office of the Courts to establish a shared database for Certificate of Relief matters.