House committee substitute makes the following changes to 2nd edition. Amends GS 163A-778(a) with clarifying change. Amends GS 163A-1115(a)(1), clarifying that the vendor of a voting system must post a performance bond or letter of credit, rather than a bond or letter of credit. Expands the issues which the performance bond or letter of credit must cover to include expenses associated with State or federal decertification of the voting system and protection against the vendor's insolvency or financial inability to make State or federally mandated modifications or updates to the voting system. Clarifies that damages may include the costs of conducting a new county or statewide election. Adds new term that the bond or letter of credit will be maintained in the amount determined by the State Board as sufficient for the cost of a new statewide election, or $10 million, whichever is greater.