Amends SL 1993-222 (Charter of the City of Northwest) as follows. Divides the City of Northwest into four geographical subdivisions that are electoral districts as shown on the existing official map of the City or of the electoral districts as they may be revised from time to time. Specifies that Districts 1, 2, and 4 are single-member districts and that District 3 is a two-member district. Permits all qualified voters of the City to cast a vote for each seat. Requires members of the Northwest City Council (Council) to reside in the electoral districts they represent. Specifies that in 2023 and quadrennially thereafter, two members of the Council will be elected from District 3 for four-year terms. In 2025 and quadrennially thereafter, three members of the Council will be elected from Districts 1, 2, and 4 for four-year terms. Removes outdated language.