House amendment makes the following changes to 3rd edition.
The previous edition charged a monthly premium for all active members of the State Health Plan for Teachers and State Employees. The amendment charges no premium for active members in the Basic Plan, and allows a charge for the Standard Plan up to the listed monthly premium rates (rates increased from previous edition) for partially contributory coverage. Increases the appropriations from the General Fund and the Highway Fund to the State Health Plan Reserve as follows: $11,725,587 for 2011-12 and $109,480,158 for 2012-13 from the General Fund, and $547,194 for 2011-12 and $5,109,074 for 2012-13 from the Highway Fund. Specifies that premium rates for contributory coverage may increase by up to 5.43% (rather than 5.2%) in 2011-12 and by up to an additional 5.43% (rather than 5.2%) for 2012-13. Increases employer contribution rates and amounts for 2011-13 with effective dates of July 1, 2011, and July 1, 2012. Makes conforming changes to restore language for noncontributory coverage for certain active employees and to allow certain surviving spouses to participate on a partially contributory basis.