Sets restrictions on the use of the 1/4 cent sales tax proceeds in Buncombe County, prioritizing uses for community college needs as follows, applicable for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2019. Sunsets the provisions June 30, 2027. Requires the County to appropriate to an eligible community college, defined as a community college with a main campus located in the county: (1) for each fiscal year an amount equal to the college's debt service obligations for that fiscal year; (2) a deferred capital repair amount to be used for deferred capital repairs and renovations needs, in the specified amounts for fiscal years 2019-27; (3) for each fiscal year an amount up to $5 million annually for operating expenses; and (4) a reserve of $2 million for the benefit of the college, with use restricted to repairs and renovations necessitated by damage from an unexpected emergency occurrence, whereby the county must restore funds disbursed the succeeding fiscal year. Provides for the remainder of the tax proceeds to be used in conformity with Article 46, GS Chapter 105, subject to voter approval.