House committee substitute makes the following changes to 2nd edition. Amends proposed GS 130A-34.2(b) to clarify that the required data must be provided in a format specified by the Division of Public Health (Division). Amends proposed GS 130A-34.2(c) to direct local health departments, district health departments, and consolidated human services agencies to make encounter-level data available for the Division, in a format specified by the Division, in order to comply with federal grant reporting requirements (previously, the entities were not required to submit encounter-level data). Specifies that local health departments are not required to use Common Name Data System for any purpose. Amends proposed GS 130A-34.2(e) to clarify that local health departments, district health departments, and consolidated human services agencies retain the responsibility to supply the Division of Medical Assistance and/or the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services with documentation to support audit processes and procedures to confirm and validate cost study reimbursement data. Clarifies the definition of aggregate data. Authorizes local health departments, district health departments and consolidated human services agencies to rebill outside of the Health Information System any unpaid Medicaid claims submitted between December 1, 2010, and the effective date (the date the act becomes law).