Enacts GS 160A-288.3, authorizing the head of a law enforcement agency of a municipality with a population exceeding 500,000 to request and enter into temporary intergovernmental law enforcement agreements with out-of-state law enforcement agencies or officers to aid in enforcing state law within the jurisdiction of the requesting municipality. Requires the request be in writing and the agreement comply with rules, policies, guidelines, restrictions and conditions adopted by the governing body of the city by which the requesting officer is employed. Sets parameters for the types of assistance permitted under an agreement including lending equipment and supplies, for the jurisdiction of the out-of-state officer under an agreement, and for the chain of command under an agreement. Defines head, law enforcement agency, out-of-state law enforcement officer, out-of-state law enforcement agency, and temporary intergovernmental law enforcement agreement. Clarifies that the statute does not reduce the jurisdiction or authority of State law enforcement officers. Authorizes out-of-state law enforcement officers to hold dual offices as specified. Deems out-of-state law enforcement officers to have met the State's certification requirements for purposes of being a sworn officer of the requesting agency if certified and sworn in the officer's home jurisdiction, subject to the agreement's provisions. Details matters that must be addressed in an agreement such as standards of conduct, training, compensation, and claims made against or by the out-of-state law enforcement officer. Effective January 1, 2020, and applies to all intergovernmental law enforcement agreements entered into on or after that date. Sunsets the statute on October 1, 2020.