House committee substitute, reported in on 6/14/11, makes the following changes to the 4th edition.
Amends GS 115C-238.56G(1)d., as enacted by this act, if House Bill 200, 2011 Regular Session (HB 200) becomes law, requiring the board of directors of a regional school to adopt a school calendar of a minimum of 185 instructional days covering at least nine calendar months (current law is 180 instructional days). Also amends GS 115C-238.56I(3), as enacted by this act, if HB 200 becomes law, to delete language giving priority to a career status teacher who requests a leave of absence from that teacher’s LEA in order to teach at a regional school on all positions for which that teacher is qualified at such time as the career status teacher may wish to leave the regional school and return to a public school in the LEA.