Senate committee substitute makes the following changes to 3rd edition. Amends proposed GS 14-51.2(a)(2) to remove authorized bail bondsman from the term law enforcement officer. Amends proposed GS 14-51.2(c)(2) to clarify that the presumption that a lawful occupant of a home, motor vehicle, or workplace held a reasonable fear of imminent death or serious bodily harm to himself or herself or another when using defensive force in certain situations does not apply when the person removed or sought to be removed is a child or grandchild or is otherwise under lawful custody or guardianship of the person against whom the defensive force is used (previously limited to minor children or grandchildren). Amends GS 14.51.2(c) to provide the presumption noted above also does not apply when the person against whom defensive force is used is a bail bondsman, as detailed. Makes similar change to proposed GS 14.51.3(b), concerning immunity from criminal and civil liability.
Amends GS 14-269 to provide that the prohibitions against carrying a concealed handgun do not apply to any person who is a district attorney, an assistant district attorney, or an investigator employed by the office of a district attorney who has a valid concealed handgun permit provided that the person does not carry a concealed weapon at any time while in a courtroom or while consuming alcohol or other unlawful controlled substance or while alcohol or an unlawful controlled substance remains in the person's body. Further provides that the prohibitions against carrying a concealed handgun do not apply to detention personnel or correctional officers employed by the state or unit of local government who park a vehicle in a space that is authorized for their use, and provides that such person may transport a firearm to the parking space and store that firearm in the vehicle parked in the parking space so long as the firearm is in a closed compartment or container within the locked vehicle, or the firearm is in a locked container securely affixed to the vehicle.
Deletes provisions from previous edition concerning the definitions section of GS 14-269.2 (weapons on campus or other educational property). Deletes proposed GS 14-269.2(f1), concerning the carrying or possessing of a firearm on educational property.
Enacts new GS 14-415.27 to provide that any person who is a district attorney, an assistant district attorney, or an investigator employed by the office of a district attorney who has a valid concealed handgun permit, is not subject to the restrictions and prohibitions set out in GS 14-415.11(c), and may carry a concealed handgun in the areas listed in GS 14-415.11(c) unless prohibited by federal law. Makes a conforming change to GS 14-415.11(c). Enacts new GS 14-415.11(c1) allowing a person with a valid concealed handgun permit to carry a concealed handgun on the grounds or waters of a park within the State Parks System, as defined. Amends GS 14-415.11(c3) to clarify it is lawful for a person to carry any firearm, either openly or concealed, so long as the person has a valid concealed handgun permit, at any state-owned hunting and fishing reservations. Amends GS 14-415.23, adding that a local government may adopt an ordinance to prohibit, by posting, the carrying of a concealed weapon on municipal and county recreational facilities specifically identified by the local government; allows a permittee to still secure a handgun in a locked vehicle.
Amends GS 120-32.1(c1) to provide that a legislator or legislative employee who parks a vehicle in a state-owned space that is assigned or leased to that legislator or legislative employee may transport a firearm to such parking space and store that firearm in the vehicle parked in the parking space so long as the firearm is in a closed compartment or container within the locked vehicle, or the firearm is in a locked container securely affixed to the vehicle.
Makes other clarifying and conforming changes.