House committee substitute makes the following changes to 1st edition. Deletes Section 3.(b) from 1st edition which amended provisions of GS 14-7.3 governing the charge of habitual felon. Amendments to GS 14-7.6 provide for sentencing of a habitual felon (except where the felon has been sentenced as a Class A, B1, or B2 felon) at a felony class level that is four classes higher (was, at least one class higher and up to four classes higher) than the principal felony. Amends GS 15A-1340.17 to set the maximum sentence for Class B1 through Class E felonies with a minimum sentence of 340 months or more at the sum of the minimum term and 20% of the minimum term, rounded to the next highest month, plus 12 (was, nine). New GS 15A-1344(d2) is amended to provide that a court may not revoke probation in response to certain violations. Makes other technical changes.