House committee substitute to the 1st edition makes the following changes. Deletes all content of the first edition and replaces it with the following. Directs the Legislative Research Commission (LRC) to study amending the Wage and Hour Act to require employers to provide a twenty-minute paid break to any employee working a shift of six or more hours. Sets out eight items that must be done as part of the study, including determining whether other states have imposed such a requirement and investigating the results of those mandates, evaluate the merit of authorizing the Commissioner of Labor to impose a civil penalty upon employers who do not provide the break, and assess the need to restrict the use of the paid break to delay the beginning or shorten the duration of the work period without the employer's approval. Requires the LRC to report to the 2020 Regulator Session of the 2019 NCGA upon its convening. Makes conforming changes to the act's titles.