House committee substitute makes the following changes to 1st edition. Amends proposed GS 131D-4.4A(b)(4) by designating the on-site staff member for each noncontiguous facility the responsibility to ensure that all adult care staff is trained in the facility’s infection control policy, and by adding a new GS section 131D-4.4B, which directs the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) to develop guidelines for the method by which adult care homes report suspected communicable disease outbreaks. Changes the training requirements for new medication aides to the following: (1) a five-hour training program developed by DHHS that includes training and instruction in the key principles of medication administration and the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines on infection control and, if applicable, safe injection practices and glucose monitoring; (2) a clinical skills evaluation consistent with 10A NCAC 13F.0503; (3) the completion of an additional 10-hour training program developed by DHHS within 60 days of hire that includes training and instruction in the key principles of medication administration and the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines on infection control and, if applicable, safe injection practices and glucose monitoring; and (4) an examination administered by the Division of Health Service Regulation. Revises the date by which the Division of Health Service Regulation must develop a mandatory, in-service training program for adult care home medication aides to January 1, 2012 (previously December 1, 2011). Requires each adult care home to complete specified actions related to infection control, beginning January 1, 2012 (was, December 1, 2011).