Senate amendment makes the following changes to 3rd edition. Rewrites in its entirety Section 2.(d) of the 3rd edition, which specifically prescribed electoral districts for members of the Guilford County Board of Commissioners. New provisions 2.1 and 4 direct the Guilford County Board of Commissioners to adopt a districting plan with eight single-member districts (does not change previous edition providing that 9th commission member will be elected at-large). The board must adopt the plan within 60 days of the act becoming law. The plan must meet the following criteria: (1) include at least three districts with a black voting age population of greater than 50%, (2) deviate total population from ideal population by no more than 10%, (3) minimize divided precincts, (4) respect communities of interest, (5) comply
with Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and all applicable state and federal law, (6) use 2010 federal census population, (7) not consider incumbents' place of residence except as necessary to comply with Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Unexpired terms of office of incumbent members of the board are not affected by new district boundaries. The board is directed to seek preclearance of the plan under Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, and is authorized to seek the assistance of the North Carolina Attorney General in making its submittal. If the plan is not precleared, the board is directed to adopt a revised plan taking into account objections raised by the US Department of Justice or the District Court for the District of Columbia. If the provisions of the act prescribing the process and criteria by which the board must adopt a districting plan or any districting plan drawn pursuant to those provisions is not precleared by the 10th day before candidate filing opens in 2012, the provisions or districting plan will not become effective until the 2014 election, and the 2012 election will be conducted under current law. Effective when the act becomes law (was, January 1, 2012).