Senate amendment #1 modifies Section 1(b) of the 3rd edition of the act, concerning the election of members of the Lexington City Board of Education (Board). Requires that one member be elected by and from the qualified voters of the six wards of the City of Lexington, which member and qualified voters must reside inside the ward, the Lexington School Administrative Unit, and the corporate limits of the City of Lexington (previously, one member must be elected from each of the six wards, each of whom must reside inside the corporate limits of the City of Lexington). Requires one member to be elected by and from all qualified voters in the Lexington City School Administrative Unit, which member must reside outside the corporate limits of the City of Lexington and within the jurisdictional area of the Lexington City School Administrative Unit (previously, one member must be elected to represent the citizens of Davidson County who must reside outside the corporate limits of the City of Lexington and within the jurisdictional area of the Lexington City School Administrative Unit). Makes conforming changes to Section 1(a).