Enacts Article 1M, Youth Health Protection Act, of GS Chapter 90. Makes it unlawful for any medical professional, as defined, to engage in any of the following practices upon a minor, or cause them to be performed, to facilitate the minor's desire to present or appear in a manner that is inconsistent with the minor's sex: (1) performing surgeries that sterilize; (2) performing a mastectomy; (3) administering or supplying any of the three specified medications that induce transient or permanent infertility; and (4) removing any otherwise healthy or nondiseased body party or tissue. Defines minor to mean anyone under 18 years of age. Defines sex to mean the biological state of begin female or male, based on sex organs, chromosomes, and endogenous hormone profiles. Deems medical professionals who engage in any of the specified unlawful practices or causes them to be performed, to have engaged in unprofessional conduct and subject to licensure revocation or other appropriate discipline by the respective licensing board. Establishes a $1,000 civil penalty per occurrence, with remittance to the Civil and Penalty Forfeiture Fund. Excludes from the scope good-faith medical decisions of parents or guardians of a minor born with a medically verifiable genetic disorder of sexual development, and specifies such examples. Makes it unlawful for an health care provider that receives State funds to furnish, provide, or perform any health care service that constitutes the performance of or preparation for gender transition procedure to a minor. Effective October 1, 2023.