House committee substitute makes the following changes to 1st edition. Deletes amendments to GS 163-165.(c). Changes amendment to GS 163-165.6(d) to restore existing law prescribing the order in which candidates appear on general election official ballots (this subsection deleted in 1st edition), but deletes requirement that nominees of political parties appear on the ballot in alphabetical order by political party. Adds new subsection (d1) to GS 163-165.6 to require that the order in which political parties appear on general election official ballots will rotate every four years. Amends effective date to require that political parties not listed first in the last statewide general election will be listed first in the next applicable election conducted after January 1, 2012.
Deletes amendment to GS 163-19, and deletes provision repealing GS 163-182.1(a)(7).
Makes conforming changes to the title.