House committee substitute makes the following changes to 1st edition.
Deletes all provisions of previous edition and instead amends GS 115C-84.2(a)(1), specifying that a school calendar includes a minimum of either 180 days or 1,000 hours of instruction covering at least nine calendar months. Allows the local board of education to designate when the 180 days or 1,000 hours will occur. Adds that, if due to inclement weather, a local board of education complies with the school calendar requirements by scheduling 1,000 hours of instruction on less than 180 days, then the local school administrative unit is deemed to have a minimum of 180 instructional days, teachers employed for a 10-month term are deemed to have been employed for 180 instructional days, and all other employees will be compensated as if they worked the regularly scheduled hours for 180 instructional days. Applies only to Dixon Elementary, Middle, and High Schools in Onslow County, and only in the 2010-11 school year for days missed due to a declared state of emergency. Makes a conforming change to the bill title.