Requires the Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on Health and Human Services (Committee) to appoint a 21-member Subcommittee on Aging (Subcommittee) to examine the State's delivery of services for older people to determine their needs and to make recommendations to the Committee on how to address those needs. Appoints specified cochairs. Sets out membership appointment requirements, with eight members appointed by the House of Representatives cochair of the Subcommittee and eight members appointed by the Senate cochair of the Subcommittee. Sets out provisions governing vacancies, the exercise of specified powers, meeting space, professional staffing, and allowable expenses. Sets out eight issues that must be a part of the Subcommittee's study, including current and future service needs of older persons, including supports for older persons residing in institutional and in‑home settings, and the feasibility of developing mechanisms for allowing older persons to express the setting in which they prefer to receive services and honoring these preferences. Requires the Subcommittee to submit an interim report to the Committee, on or before May 8, 2018, and requires a final report to the Committee on or before January 15, 2019, at which time the Subcommittee terminates.