Senate amendment, adopted 6/16/11, makes the following changes to 2nd edition.
SECTION 10.5.(a) Provides that The North Carolina Partnership for Children, Inc. is not to reduce the allocation for counties with less than 35,000 in population by more than 20% of their current allocation/state funding levels.
SECTION 10.5.(e) Of the funds the North Carolina Partnership for Children, Inc., and local partnerships are required to match, 7% (previously 10%) must be in the form of cash contributions. Makes conforming changes.
SECTION 10.37.(a) Amends the date by which the Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Medical Assistance must cease providing services under PCS and PCS-Plus.
SECTION 10.49A. Specifies that all completed applications that include the applicable fee received by the Division of Health Service Regulation prior to July 1, 2011, may be processed for licensure.
SECTION 14.3A. Repeals Section 14.3A, concerning the establishment of the operating committees for the Vinifera Group and the Muscadines Group.
SECTION 14.3B. Re-enacts Part 2J of Article 10 of GS Chapter 143B, concerning the Wine and Grape Growers Council.
Rewrites GS 143B-437.91 to provide that the North Carolina Wine and Grape Growers Council consists of 10 members (previously 11) appointed by the Secretary of Commerce. Replaces all other provisions of the statute with details regarding membership, division (into two advisory committees, the Vinifera and the Muscadines) terms, meeting requirements, and makes other directives.
Directs that position #60080945 not be eliminated, but rather the position, including salary and benefits, are to be paid for with funds appropriated in the act for NC Wineries & Tourism. Appropriates $500,000 in non-recurring funds for the 2011-12 fiscal year as specified. The terms of the current members on the NC Wine and Grape Growers Council expire on June 30, 2011.
Directs $100,000 in recurring funds for the 2011-12 fiscal year be appropriated to the Department of Commerce to allocate to the Appalachian Energy Center at Appalachian State University.
SECTION 15.23. (NEW) Directs the Administrative Office of the Courts to reduce support staff in prosecutorial offices using a blended ratio/workload model developed by their Office of Research and Planning. Places no limit on the percentage reduction that any one prosecutorial office may take.
SECTION 18.10.(c) Repeals Section 18.10.(c), which directed hospitals to treat inmates in the custody of the Department of Correction as a condition of licensure.
SECTION 21.5 (NEW) Directs the Department of Cultural Resources to use funds appropriated to fully restore Historic Sites Specialist II at Fort Dobbs, Position # 60083465.
SECTION 28.23F. (NEW) Directs the Division of Motor Vehicles to use funds appropriated to restore one day per week licensing services at a fixed location in the Town of Walnut Cove, Stokes County.
SECTION 31.11A.(b) (NEW) Directs that the $400,000 appropriated under the act for aid to counties for local food and lodging programs be used for such for the 2011-12 fiscal year and be retained by the state beginning with the 2012-13 fiscal year to pay for the costs to operate the state elements of the food and lodging program.
SECTION 31.11A.(c) (NEW) Provides that Section 31.11A.(a), concerning permit fee is effective July 1, 2012.
SECTION 31.23.(g) (NEW) Makes clarifying changes to the applicability of proposed court cost increases.
Makes other technical and clarifying changes.